Creating amulets that attract money and good luck: guidance and implementation features

It takes a lot of time and energy for a person to achieve what he wants, but this is often not enough. It seems that some unknown forces are interfering with the realization of the goal. In this case, amulets will come in handy to attract money and good luck. Belief in the power of amulets is rooted in the distant past. In the past, people established rituals to gain the protection of higher powers in cults. This is unfamiliar to modern people. This is why magic practice rarely produces positive results. Lack of confidence is the culprit.

Do-it-yourself amulets and magic items are much more effective than those purchased on store shelves. Taking the time to create a product can add value and inject strength into the owner. This is how the energy of the mind is released.

DIY amulet

Many things can be used as money amulet, including: necklaces, bracelets, banknotes, coins, rings, etc. The main thing is to establish a connection between the product and the owner. Only she can guarantee the effectiveness of the amulet and the protection of the upper power.

Common amulets for lucky money:

  • Pendant with a stone of the right energy.
  • Wax mascot.
  • Coin decoration.
  • Rune.
  • Energy bills.

A variety of materials can be used to make such products. It is recommended to prefer wood, cardboard or clay. Before creating the amulet, it is important to note whether there is a binding to a particular egregor. For example, Scandinavian runes are very harmful to Christian believers.

Before proceeding with the creation of magic items, it is recommended that an experienced practitioner diagnose the existence of the block. In most cases, the cause of financial difficulties lies in them. After the elimination, the problem will be resolved by itself.

Unchangeable bill

The most common way to magically increase income is to create a vibrant bill. It cannot be spent, it must be protected from snooping, and it must not be told or shown to anyone. Large denominations will attract more money and energy, while coins cannot attract a lot of money.

When choosing banknotes to make amulets, you need to focus on the positive aspects. This can be the money donated with the new wallet or one of the bills received after the first successful transaction in the new project.

It must be placed in the compartment of the wallet to avoid contact with other banknotes. To place her in a new place, you need to focus on her purpose and give her a psychological order that increases wealth and sources of wealth.

If you can't find the "lucky" note, you need to follow its series. She must repeat the owner’s initials, and the numbers must match the date of birth. You only need to pay attention to the first 4-6 digits. To put such bills in your wallet, you need to focus on success.

Rune that attracts wealth

Runa Fehu is the main person in charge of financial issues. It is used to view the problem situation and view items that may be profitable. Even in places that no one can see, it helps to see profitable transactions and make every effort to keep the owner from missing the money. Its effect is effective on any material wealth, and the effect is almost immediately visible. Its impact can be compared to the smell of a dog; owners almost start to smell profitable items. However, in addition to acquisitions, it also helps to save money, rather than spending on all kinds of nonsense.

The rune fehu on the skin as a talisman of good luck

To activate the rune, you don't need to perform complicated operations. Rune symbols are applied to the safe or wallet and start working immediately.

Rune symbols are not only suitable for places where money is stored. When applied to work tools, its use is effective. For example, a laptop, if the owner spends most of his working time in front of him. If all working hours are solved using mobile phones, runes can also be applied to it to attract potential buyers.

In order to operate correctly, the rune image must always be close to the owner, but not only within sight, he must also make physical contact with him. When applying images, you need to focus on your goals and mentally explain to the symbol what the job is and what to expect from it. It is important to understand that any symbol is a formed thought form with its own consciousness. Only respect for her attitude can help avoid catastrophic consequences. The subtle world requires a serious attitude when interacting.

If the owner tries to use the rune for deception, usury, crime, and speculation, then the rune is dangerous for the owner.

Cash flow wax

Wax amulets need to be stored carefully. He is very fragile, and damaging it will ruin all his previous work. To complete it, you need to wait for the beginning of the first quarter moon period. According to the declared tradition, the practitioner chooses the material, but if the master is agnostic or has no confidence in his beliefs, ordinary candles will do.

To make a wax amulet, you need to wait until midnight on the day when the moon grows. It is important to ensure that the room where the work is done is well ventilated and that there are no strangers around. Background music is prohibited, especially radio or television. You need to concentrate on work.

The candle is placed in a glass and lit. When the flame burns, the practitioner lists his wishes. Wax can store the wearer's energy and release it when appropriate. The main thing to remember is that such amulets are alive and you cannot treat them negligently.

When the candle goes out, a wax figure will form at the bottom of the glass, which will help its owner. It must be carefully removed from the glass and placed in a storage bag. This amulet brings to its owner not only economic well-being, but also success in all aspects of life with a respectful attitude. Initially, it was created to satisfy precious wishes.

Amulet making rules

Rune making rules:

  1. The best time for creation is midnight. After completion, it is recommended to leave the item in the moonlight for a period of time. This is the magical period for items to reach their maximum strength.
  2. Without self-confidence, amulets will not work. If a practitioner has any questions, he might as well postpone the topic and practice the spells in depth.
  3. The item should be made of materials that are comfortable for the owner, but only natural.
  4. Before choosing materials for the amulet, it is important to compare them with the owner's zodiac. Each logo has a color and material that can increase its strength.
  5. Making amulets is a secret exercise. You can't tell a stranger about it, let alone show it. These actions invalidate the strength of the item.

The creation of magic items is a special ritual with its own characteristics. Failure to comply with the rules is considered disrespect for higher powers and may bring destructive events to the lives of practitioners.